
OSLC BrassWorship is the very heart of our community’s life. Gathered around the Word and Sacraments we hear and experience God’s gracious forgiveness and are renewed for lives of service in the world.

Worship with Holy Communion is held at 9:30 AM on Sunday (in-person & online) and Wednesdays at noon (in-person only). A sign language interpreter is available upon request.

Worship at Our Savior’s is welcoming, gracious, and recognizably Lutheran. We enjoy a variety of musical styles – traditional, contemporary, global, and folk. Liturgical settings come from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) Hymnal and other resources.  All accompanied by a variety of instruments including the Steinway grand piano and the Austin/Hendrickson pipe organ.

Vocal and instrumental opportunities come together on an occasional basis.

Other worship leadership opportunities include serving as an AV technician, lector, and usher.


Not comfortable worshiping in-person, we encourage you to worship with us online or on the phone.

Live Stream

We live stream our Sunday (9:30am) and Wednesday during Lent (6:30pm) worship services.  You can access this service on our website here: www.oursaviorslutheranchurch.net/live-stream/.

Live Stream Playback

You can also “View our previous videos” worship services anytime on our Vimeo channel by clicking here.

Phone Live Stream

To join the phone live stream simply dial 1-877-552-3468 (toll-free) to be automatically connected to the live broadcast.

Phone Live Stream Playback

Any time we go live, our worship service is automatically archived and available for playback. You can call anytime to listen to Sunday’s worship.



Sign up for the following and more online for worship leadership opportunities.

We are now using a web app called SignUpGenius to make it easy for people to sign up and help with worship.  You can sign up right now! You don’t have to wait for Sunday morning to sign up at church.  Plus, when you sign up online you will get an email to remind you of your upcoming ministry.

To view June 2024 online sign-up, click here.

Sign up as many times as you would like and for as many jobs as you would like.

Thank you for your willingness to serve in worship!

Sign Up Assistance

Not comfortable with technology and need help signing up? No worries! The sign-up sheets on the bulletin board next to the church office are still there or contact Jessica and she’ll make certain you get signed up for the ministry of your choice!