Fair Trade/Equal Exchange Coffee Available in July
June 23, 2009
We will begin ordering coffee from Fair Trade/Equal Exchange through Lutheran World Relief in July. Dan Lintin will take personal orders on July 5th and July 19th and place the order July 20th. For those wishing to order a case of coffee, usually 6 bags to a case, you can order a variety of flavors (Dan will have the order form for you to peruse).
For those wishing to order individual bags, the following flavors will be available:
Whole Bean Organic Mind, Body and Soul ($5.65/bag)
Whole Bean Organic Decaf CO2 ($6.65/bag)
Drip Grind Tanzanian Jubilee ($5.15/bag)
Drip Grind Decaf Colombian CO2 ($6.15/bag)
Payment is due upon delivery. Thank you!