Acolyte Guidelines

If you are scheduled to acolyte on an upcoming Sunday and you are a little uncertain about just exactly what you are supposed to do and when you are supposed to do it, don’t worry! These guidelines will help you. First-time acolytes are always paired with an experienced acolyte, so if you become confused, just follow your partner!

1. Arrival

  • Acolytes should arrive 1 minutes before the start of the service as the candles are lit once the prelude music begins.

2. Lighting of Candles

  • The Acolyte Director or another Adult will do lighting of the Acolyte wicks. Acolytes should not light the wicks themselves!
  • The Christ Candle is lit first if it is set out.
  • Then the altar candles, and then the candelabras at the base of the large cross.
  • The candelabras are lit from the middle (closest to the large cross) to the outside and extinguished in opposite fashion, making sure that both partners are even with one another. (Please watch your partner to remain consistent).

4. Offering

  • Acolytes stand in front of the Altar to collect the offering plates from the Ushers and present to the Pastor before returning to stand in front of their seats.

5. Communion

  • Acolytes take communion at Altar with Pastor and Deacons prior to the congregational feast.
  • If the tray is held underneath with an open palm, the acolyte will have improved control, which should prevent the tray from tipping or the glasses from clanging together.
  • When collecting cups, start to fill tray at the point farthest away from you and work in toward your body. This will help prevent your sleeve from knocking the cups off.
  • Once tray becomes mostly full, or if it becomes too heavy, place tray on wall off in side room. Take an empty tray and continue.

6. Extinguishing Candles and Departure

  • Candles are extinguished during the singing of the last Hymn. Start extinguishing the candles in the second verse of the closing hymn.
  • Extinguish candles in the reverse order. First the candelabras from the outside in, then the altar candles. The Christ Candle should remain lit until the Sanctuary is empty.
  • If last Hymn is still being sung after candles are extinguished, return to stand in front of seats until Hymn is finished. Once announcements begin, Acolytes quietly exit out the side door and remove robes in Robe room.

Please remember to worship attentively and actively.