Adult Inquiry and New Member Sessions Begin Sept. 16th
August 29, 2012
If you are wishing to transfer membership from another Lutheran Church; if you are a friend, fiance, partner or married to a member and wish to join; if you’ve grown up with another faith or no faith at all – these are the sessions to come to so that you can learn about our Lutheran faith and decide whether you wish to join us as a member. If you are an adult who has never been baptized or confirmed in any Christian faith group, please come so that we can support your walk with Jesus. Why don’t you come, and also invite someone else to come with you?
Classes begin at 4 pm on Sunday September 16th 2012. We meet in the Choir Room, up a few stairs from the fellowship hall doors. New Member Sunday is October 14th, which is also the date of the First Communion for our youth. The last class will be that afternoon. Our schedule is:
Sep 16: | How does a person know God’s love and salvation is for them? |
Sep 23: | What do Christians teach about Holy Baptism, and why do we baptize infants? |
Sep 30: | What are the teachings about Holy Communion? And where do our worship services come from? |
Oct 7: | Who was Martin Luther and what was the Reformation? |
Oct 14: | What is the ELCA & Our Savior’s? How can I be involved in worship, growth and service? |
Contact the church office if interested or write a message on a pew card at worship. Anyone who just wants to ask questions about basic Christianity is also welcomed, even if you are already a member of OSLC. Maybe you have some unanswered questions that have come up in your adult life since confirmation or membership. Please come and ask them.