Angel Tree Gifts Due Dec. 11th
December 7, 2011
The Angel Tree for New Horizon’s is currently set up in the Narthex. There are still a few gift tags available. Please take a tag off the Angel Tree, buy the requested item, wrap your gift and then re-attach the entire tag to the package. Please bring your gift back to the church by Sunday, December 11th, 2011. The Social Ministry Team will deliver them to the New Horizon’s Women’s Shelter for Christmas.
Every year we have requests for children’s clothing, games, dolls, art sets, twin sheet sets, snow pants (sizes 6X – 14), stamps and stationary/journals, cleaning products, pillows and much more. Gas cards, gift cards for hair cuts, disposable cameras with a gift certificate to process the film and movie passes are always big hits at the shelter. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact Rod Tisthammer. Thank you for your support of this great outreach ministry!