Adult Inquiry and New Member Classes Begin September 26th, 2010
August 30, 2010
We received new members at the end of July, and now are eager to bring into our fellowship others who have expressed a desire to learn about our Lutheran faith and our congregation. Classes are for all who joined in July, anyone seeking membership or adult confirmation, anyone wishing to be baptized, anyone coming from another faith or denomination, and anyone who is returning to worship after being gone from church for some years. You can also come if you just want to ask questions, whether a life-long Lutheran or brand new to our faith.
We meet at 4:00 pm for five Sundays beginning on September 26th. If that is not a workable time or if you need to miss some sessions, Pastor Jolivette can do some Saturday morning alternatives. We have spouses and partners and children of members who could surely be invited to join with us. We have neighbors and work acquaintances who may have talked about faith and asked you questions whom you can invite. Come along with your neighbor, partner or spouse.
Our next new member Sunday is All Saints’ Sunday, November 7th. Help us welcome a new group of saints!