Lutheran World Relief Layette Kits Available May 9th
April 28, 2010
Lutheran World Relief distributes layettes to new mothers in nearly 20 countries. During a recent five year period, over 225,000 layettes were distributed. The most amazing fact is that each layette was provided by someone much like you, a caring member of a congregation just like OSLC!!
Layette Kits will be available in the Narthex on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 9th, 2010. They are due back on Rally Sunday, September 12th. Each layette kit should include the following:
- Two shirts (onesies)
- Two gowns or sleepers
- Two receiving blankets
- Four cloth diapers
- Two wash cloths
- One bath-size bar of soap
- Two diaper pins
Items can be new or used. Be sure to check out the rummage sales this summer. Used items must be clean and in good repair. Receiving blankets and diapers may be made of flannel. Please vary the sizes of clothing (up to 24 months) so the layettes will continue to be useful as the baby grows. Any questions and/or concerns may be directed to Rod Tisthammer.