Confirmation Requirements

Great Expectations

We want every child’s confirmation experience to be a grace-filled, enjoyable time of growth in the faith – and it takes parents/guardians, confirmands, guides and the Holy Spirit to make it just that! Minimal commitment, however, often yields minimal satisfaction. Therefore, we ask that all commit to meeting the following expectations in order to have a confirmation experience rich in questions, wonder, growth and fun…

Below are just some of the basic expectations and requirements for Confirmation at Our Savior’s…

1) Worship is what God’s family does together, and confirmands are growing into their fuller participation in this Church. Therefore, each family will worship weekly. We expect that each family will worship together regularly. Regular attendance is defined as 30 worship services over the course of 12 months. Attendance at other congregations when out of town is always encouraged.

2) Confirmand’s will attend Sunday afternoons/Wednesday nights as scheduled. Small groups are an important part of faith formation. Therefore, it is expected that each confirmand will attend all Sunday afternoon/Wednesday night small group sessions. If a confirmand must be absent, the small group leader must be informed prior to the session beginning by a parent/guardian. If the student misses more than 2 sessions, a meeting with the pastor, parents/guardians and confirmand will be required.

We also ask the confirmands get involved in input, planning and participation in our elementary school, middle school and high school groups on Sunday mornings after worship.

All of us are busy. We are teaching our children how to live connected to God and make our faith in the God of our baptism a central part of our busy lives.

3) A Confirmand will offer various forms of service over the course of each year. After offering service, a ‘service report’ will be completed and shared the next Sunday/Wednesday during small group time and handed in to their guide. All Service Forms are to be turned in by Thursday, August 31, 2017.

Each year, confirmation students at Our Savior’s are asked to complete:

  1. 10 Worship Service hours per year
  2. 10 Community Service hours per year
  3. Complete 1 Family Service Project per year.

Service electives may include:

  • Art and Faith card making (meets once a month on Thursday evenings)
  • Attending Youth & Family Team meetings (second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm), to get involved in input, planning and participation with events at OSLC
  • Bike for Hunger with pledges (in August)
  • Church lawn mowing
  • Church work crew
  • Crop Walk with pledges (in October)
  • Help with the annual Christmas bazaar and/or fall and spring rummage sales
  • Helping with Come for Supper with a parent/guardian
  • Helping with Vacation Bible School
  • Hospital visit with pastor
  • Mission Trips (in July)
  • Occasionally wiping down the chairs and high chairs in the Fellowship Hall
  • Performing special music during worship
  • Read the lessons in church on Sunday
  • Service project with parish home-bound
  • Shepherds for Rotational Sunday School
  • Sing in the choir (Meets at 8am, follow this link for dates)
  • Ushering
  • Visitation of shut-in with pastor
  • WAFER or Hunger Task Force
  • Website work. Help the web team shorten their list of things to update on the OSLC website.
  • Women’s Clothes Closet help
  • Work day in spring at Sugar Creek
  • …any service activity of our church
  • anything else in the bulletin or monthly newsletter

One credit is earned for each service event. If the event lasts for more than half a day, two credits are earned. No more than two credits can be earned doing the same type of service event. So you will be unable to earn 10 credits doing the same thing 10 times… we want you to experience serving God in many different ways!

4) Each confirmation family is encouraged to share worship on Wednesday nights during Lent with their confirmand for whom attendance is required. All are welcome to share in the soup supper with Worship following. A confirmand’s absence must be arranged in advance.

5) We strongly encourage that each confirmand attend a week of camp at Sugar Creek during each age level (elementary, middle school & high school). There is no way to re-create what God does through Camp. You will receive a “Sugar Creek packet” as soon as it is printed in January which will answer all your questions. Our church gives “camperships” for Sugar Creek. You simply register for camp, put down a deposit and call the church office (608.782.3468) with the camper’s name and week attending camp. The church sends about 1/2 the cost of registration in May. For more information please contact Jessica.